IF Fearless

The Sacrificial Bee
graphite/digital sketch

The bee symbolizes many things in many cultures dating back to ancient times. The death of a bee after it stings represents sacrificing your self for something special and dear. So to me, in this sketch (a sketch for a future painting) The Sacrificial Bee is FEARLESS 


  1. Hello Ivy, this is such a wonderfully delicate image! I love how you've interpreted 'fearless' in a very unique way. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not a fan of bees, but beautiful work!

  4. nice work. looking good.

    p/s: i've answered your 2 questions on Simple Blogger Tips. =)

  5. Thanks for your comment, i think i can write to you in spanish?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Thank you all for your kind comments so nice to hear ♥

    Gracias...si escribir en español esta bien - debo practicar :)

  8. Wow what a beautiful illo. Love the color palette.

  9. oh my goodness, this is so very beautiful. it speaks to my soul... LOVELY!!

    xxo, kim

  10. hiya, ivy! thanks so much for the visit! this is really pretty and kinnnnnd of creepy as she really doesn't seem to mind picking up a bumble bee by the wing. she looks so poised about it all. love the flowers! :))

  11. Haha ah yes! "thefridayfrog" I was hoping someone would say its creepy too. Just what I was trying to capture - the fine line between sweetness and creepiness, the unexpected :)

    Thanks guys for all your comments! ♥

  12. Hello! I like your illustration, or course because of the bee...you know that I love symbols and meaning especially in art and in LIFE. It's just like the animal totem class I'm teaching. Bravo! Ivy! xox


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